A valuer explaining the importance of getting watches and jewellery valued

Our Watches and Jewellery Service

Discover how we value your precious Watches and Jewellery and the importance of it.

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Watches and Jewellery Valuation service from

A full valuation of any watches and jewellery can be preformed at Peter Jackson the Jeweller. Once a month our resident registered independent valuer, Georgina Deer, visits our head office or one of our stores to preform full appraisals on the goods of our customers.

Simply book an appointment to take your items in store for a personal pre-assessment from a senior member of staff and then we will arrange for your items to be valued at our office.

The importance of valuations

Watch and Jewellery valuations should be an integral part of any documentation you own. To fully guarantee you recoup the best value should you incur loss or damage, having a recent up to date valuation by a registered valuer on your precious items will guarantee that you get back the latest value of any of your individual items.

We hope no harm will ever come to any of your watches and jewellery but being prepared will certainly help in any trying situation. Our in-store teams are also there to help and provide support on several different valuation or insurance queries you may have.

What you receive with your valuation

A full comprehensive detailed report will be provided for each item, detailing everything of relevance that goes into making the appraisal of each item. Also, with your report you will receive a digital photo of each item that will help to identify your goods as well as being a great tool if you were to report an item as lost or stolen.

We can also guarantee fantastic value for money on the price paid for your valuation. We charge a fixed fee so you will know exactly how much it will cost before we proceed, unlike many jewellers that charge a percentage of the item’s value for this service.

Our next valuation dates

Valuations are usually held at our head office. We ask that you bring your items in store for a pre-consultation at the very latest the weekend before our next date below.

Pricing currently is £95 for your first item and admin fees and then £50 for each additional item. You can book your pre-consultation with a member staff in store via the booking button below.

Wednesday 26th February

Wednesday 2nd April

Booking an appointment

Booking an appointment

For those extra special jewellery or watch purchases, our management teams would like to invite you to book an appointment with one of our experts.

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